Useful information

The most used languages

English, Spain, Arabian, Russian, France, German, Chinese, Portuguese is considered the most used...

Most translated website

The website that has been translated the most around the world is the “Jehovah’s Witnesses”....

The oldest letter

The oldest letter is the letter "O", which we still use today. This letter appeared in the Finnish...

Liane moriarty

"The Husbands Secret" - fifth novel Lian Moriarti translated into 35 languages and sold more than 2...

Interesting Informations

Hawaiians have over 200 different words for rain. Most of the words and terms used in the field of...

Basque language

Basque is spoken in the highlands between northwest Spain and southwest France is the only European...

The official Languages of UN

In 1946, English and French were considered the only working languages at the UN. As the UN...

Words taken from Dutch language.

Many words used in English, such as "yacht", "easel", "cookie" and "freight", are derived from the...

Lucius Livius Andronicus

Lucius Livius Andronicus (circa 284–205 BC) is widely regarded as the earliest translator in the...

Languages in which books are most translated

The languages into which the books are most often translated are English, French, German, Italian...

Geoffrey Chaucer -one of the English interpreters

Geoffrey Chaucer known as the first great poet of England and English literature is one of the...

The longest world in the english language

The most commonly used and longest English word without a vowel in it is the word "rhythms"....

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