President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping gave a number of instructions to expand and strengthen the ties with the Silk Road countries. And as we know, Azerbaijan is one of them. Thus, in 2015, it was decided to teach the Azerbaijani language at the Beijing University of Foreign Languages, being one of the most prestigious educational institutions in China. This initiative will further develop the relations between the two states. Moreover, the training of personnel in the Azerbaijani language will contribute to the expansion of ties between China and Azerbaijan. The Department of Azerbaijani Language was established at the university in 2016. Since 2017, Azerbaijani has been taught as a third language. And finally, since 2018, admission to the faculty has started following the organized exams. The students study three courses: the Azerbaijani Language, the Azerbaijani Culture, and the History of Azerbaijan. The faculty trains the azerbaijanologists. As a result of the testing held this year (2023), 13 students have been enrolled.