The first bilingual legal document in the world is from the 13th century BCE. After a war between the Egyptians and the Hittites, the two parties signed a peace agreement known today as the Treaty of Kadesh. In addition to being the first bilingual legal document, it is also the first known diplomatic agreement in the region and the oldest surviving written treaty.
- Historians have concluded that translation was carried out as early as the Mesopotamian era when the work of the Sumerian poem, Gilgamesh, was translated into Asian languages, dating back to around the second millennium BC.
- One of the most famous works of translation and even the archetypal symbol of the translator was a stone inscription – the “ Rosetta stone”, in three languages (ancient Greek, demotic Egypt and hieroglyphic Egypt) found in 1799 during Egyptian expedition by Napoleon Bonaparte, near the town of Rosetta, not far from Alexandria. Since ancient Greek was known to linguists, it was used as a key in the opening of many Egyptian writings by combining the demotic and hieroglyphic Egyptian script with it. This stone inscription has been kept in the British Museum since 1802.